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As a strong proponent of the asset allocation theory, I base my investment recommendations on my clients’ goals, needs, and risk parameters.  I formulate an investment policy statement, build a customized asset allocation to align with risk tolerance, and allocate funds within each asset class to specific investment management styles.  I am committed to continually re-evaluate the portfolio on a regular basis.
I believe in using time-tested business principles and developing long-standing relationships while helping clients build, manage, and mitigate risk to financial assets.  I follow a risk-averse, comprehensive wealth management process, employing a three-tier, fee-based strategy customized for each investor that involves:
Professionally Managed Investments
Individually Managed, Customized Stock and Bond Portfolios
Professional Money Managers From Across the U.S. 
Special Syndicate Accounts and Actively Managed Accounts 
I believe that individuals should invest for the long term in the securities of historically attractive businesses that are purchased at fair prices.  For fixed income investors, I use high-grade municipal and U.S. government bonds, preferred stocks, and certificates of deposit (CDs).  Short-term products are used for liquid reserve funds.
Asset allocation does not ensure a profit or protect against loss.